Tag Archives: Gulf Islands



Well, what about right now?

You know what all the great philosophies teach: there is only the “now”…the “right this minute” moment in time.

There will never be a better time than this “right now”.

Markets are cyclic in nature. Buyers Markets and Sellers Markets have rhythms…and a cycle might follow a 7 to 10 year pattern.

What goes down goes back up, and the equilibrium point between markets can be of very short duration.

Since 2006, and globally so, it has been “flat” in secondary home/discretionary areas. The result: price reductions, motivated sellers, low interest rates to encourage action, good inventory choices, but reluctant buyers.

Now, there are whispers of change, on an uptick trend…perhaps we will look back and decide that October 2010 to October 2011 was the bottom-bottom in the market. From now on, it should show marked improvement in sales volume, followed by thinning inventory, then price stability, and finally a turn into true sellers market territory. Perhaps by 2013?

My definitions:

a buyer’s market is characterized by lots of inventory and few buyers. A seller’s market: hardly any inventory and lots of buyers.

Remember the old economics law of supply & demand? Hmmm….

So, the “when” of action? Be in that “right now” moment…act when it’s good for you to do so. Weigh the options…decide if it works for you…that proactive stance will benefit your outcomes.

The eternal question: “what’s the market doing?”…well it’s on the move. How about you?

Thinking of a purchase on Salt Spring Island or a Gulf Island? Call me! The time is always good.

How may I help you to buy your special Salt Spring Island or Gulf Islands property? Look forward to your call!




First, call me.

Suggestions on places to stay, routes of arrival.

Information on events, things to do & to see, free maps & full real estate information (of course!), plus background lore of the Gulf Islands & of Salt Spring Island. The historical perspective is always fun!

You can fly in to Vancouver International Airport, take a 10 minute cab ride to the “south terminal” and catch one of three floatplane companies that service directly to Salt Spring Island…these are year round/regular scheduled flights:
Harbour Air, Seair, & Salt Spring Air. It’s about a 12 minute flight from Airport to Ganges Village on Salt Spring.

Harbour Air & Salt Spring Air also go from Salt Spring to downtown Vancouver Harbour…approximately a 25 minute flight.

Salt Spring Air also connects with the Victoria Airport (Patricia Bay connection) and with Maple Bay (on Vancouver Island).

There is a ferry from Vancouver’s Tsswassan terminal direct to Long Harbour on Salt Spring Island. Another ferry links Victoria’s Swartz Bay terminal with Fulford Harbour on Salt Spring. A third ferry links Crofton, a mid-Vancouver Island terminal with Vesuvius on Salt Spring. These three connections are regular year round scheduled ferries.

Arriving from the U.S.? Take the Washington State ferry’s international sailing from Anacortes to Sidney…drive ten minutes to Swartz Bay and drive onto the Fulford bound ferry. Or, come via the Blackball ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, and make your way to either Swartz Bay or to Crofton terminals.

Coming from Lower Mainland? Along with that direct Tsswassan route, you could catch the ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay, at Nanaimo, & then a short drive south delivers you to Crofton and the ferry to Vesuvius, on Salt Spring.

Check the B.C. Ferries website for further schedule information.

Easy to enjoy a visit to Salt Spring and the Gulf Islands from anywhere in the world.

Discovery is always the first step in any new adventure.

Not from Canada? Easy to enjoy property ownership on the Islands, on a seasonal basis. Want to move here and never leave? Call me, and I can put you in touch with appropriate advisors, including immigration lawyers, to discuss landed immigrant potential.

These peaceful and beautiful Gulf Islands, including the jewel of Salt Spring Island, shimmer gracefully in the Salish Sea (the historical name for Georgia Strait).

I look forward to helping you to discover them. Call me!

How may I help you to buy your Salt Spring Island or Gulf Islands property? Look forward to your call.


April 2012, Salt Spring Island Market Analysis

April, 2012

Change is erupting all around us.

The change of seasons is the easy one!

The continuing evolution of our post-Internet 21st Century world delivers shifts on an almost daily basis, and in all spheres.

The MLS system is undergoing substantial change. The consumer control over connection means agent marketing must change, and what about social media venues for linking a buyer with a realtor and thus with a seller? What about that role of the realtor as the connecting bridge between a seller & a buyer?

Locally on Salt Spring, in real estate, we have seen the closing of a long standing franchise based local office and seen its office space & remaining realtors being assumed by a non-franchise off-island company.

I think this kind of amalgamation/restructuring will continue. The impact of the internet on all business models continues. Nothing remains untouched. The car industry, the travel industry, the stock market & financial side of investment, even education…these business models have completely changed because of that consumer-oriented Internet impact. The Real Estate industry is no exception.

The franchise model of real estate is a 20th Century and pre-Internet concept. Any benefits to a franchise connection were erased after the internet’s impact. The Internet delivered control of the sales process to the consumer of the service.

As the technological and consumer oriented world continues to progress, some franchise options are disappearing or are trying to survive by amalgamating with others. The “big box” solution.

Some others are attempting to fit the very different evolutions in the business world into their systems…add ons with the appearance of the “new” (meaning the “current”). Since the ground level is where the change has occurred, this band-aid approach may not be sustainable.

Localized boutique style and “niche” business models may be an arrow towards a new/different sales model…if such boutique ventures are using the Internet the way the consumer is involved with it, that is. One has to be where the customer is…otherwise, in the all encompassing terrain of the Global Village, the information won’t get to the consumer.

The bottom line: what system displays the information directly to the consumer, and, at the same time, invites a proactive response from that consumer? Ah…that is the question and the oh so sought after answer! Isn’t that what SEO is all about?

Real Estate companies put together an array of marketing ideas for their salespeople. The company charges their salespeople to use them. Nothing is for free. These options appear as logos on generic company sponsored business cards, and are mentioned on company websites.

To benefit from these options, though, an individual realtor would have to pay for their use. Belonging to a franchise company is the generic logo part. To use what that company promises, the individual realtors pay to take part. Unless they do that, the company descriptions are just logos, with no particular focus on specific listings/areas.

Marketing is about perception, of course. Even if no substance behind it, the mere statement of something promised will often create an initial business relationship. This does not deliver a hoped for result, however.

Be sure to inquire. Yes, yes…your company says “x”, but do you do that for me, as my individual realtor in my specific area? Be a savvy consumer!

A branch office of a franchise (each office is locally owned and operated; the franchise name is like an overall umbrella name), or a boutique option (specific to an area), or a realtor acting unilaterally, as a Licenced individual…the 21st Century allows them all, and due to the impact of that direct consumer experience, the search engine power, all of them are now equal in marketing venues. Now that is something different!

A “big box” name is sitting on the same level playing field, now, as the area specific boutique office or even the individual realtor presence. That leveling influence is, of course, the result of the consumer driven Internet search…with its capability that puts the user of the search in control of both the discovery & the outcome. Different days, indeed!

And what about that office? Is it real? Virtual? Does it matter? Not.

In the Ethernet space of the virtual Internet world, it’s the information that is being provided, to the searching & consumer driven “engine”, that is the essential item.

I always feel that our time is like that classic schism between the long ages of the agrarian lifestyle & the sudden, unforeseen, explosive impact of the Industrial Revolution. Those on the side of the older world experienced the pain of change & some jobs disappeared. Those on the side of the new world of the machine age experienced the euphoria of change & new jobs came into being. Sound familiar?

Change means different…something new replacing something old. In a post-internet business environment, the key is to get the information to the attention of the person who needs that information. However, that “consumer in control of the action” aspect means that the end user is in charge of the “where & the when” of the action.

I think real estate as an industry is in the middle of the change delivered by the Internet.

As a realtor, one has to be in the flow of the shift, and be attentive to what delivers the bridge moment between a seller and a buyer.

That is where a realtor lives…at the point of expediting that connection. Important, then, that the realtor remain nimble & willing to change, & to experiment, in the effort to connect a listing with a buyer.

Ah…in change lies opportunity.

Markets are not static items, either. This Spring, the Gulf Islands are showing a definite uptick in sales volume in the entry level priced residential category. It is just beginning to be felt by the upper tier priced residential options. Good news, indeed! We may be in the slow climb out of a downmarket…perhaps we are in year 7 of a 7 to 10 year cycle?

Our season is traditionally March Break to Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend, in early October. For the first time in four years, there is market buoyancy when there should be.

As a buyer, it’s important to recognize that the benefits of a buyer’s market may be dissipating. Seller’s market in place by late Fall or by early Spring, next year? Hmmm…change, remember. Being nimble..being in the flow of what is.



Hmmm…the interesting thing about Salt Spring Island and the Gulf Islands is that there is something for everyone.

A strong artistic community calls forth a like-minded audience response, I think.

There are over 100 writers who call Salt Spring Island home. A publishing company, with several award winning books under their label, also is located on Salt Spring.

There are several painters, fabric artists, sculptors, actors (live theatre is alive & well & living on Salt Spring), musicians (blues, folk, rock, fusion, classical), and there are over 400 people involved in choral presentations…imagine that many people, in a small community, singing!

There is a Buddhist monastery on Salt Spring, plus an Ayervedic based centre. The Island has a reputation as a healing place…zen sitting group, several yoga groups, plus meditation groups offer their individual paths. Alternative medicine opportunities abound, along with mainstream medicine (hospital, seniors for seniors facility, assisted living options, plus extended care unit).

An interesting retirement option then? Yes.

With 3 elementary schools, a middle school, a senior school, plus adult education opportunities, the Island will also work well for young families.

In our post-Internet world, if one inhabits the digital universe, then one can live anywhere.

Summer/seasonal places, of course…this entire area is a recreational paradise. The Southern Gulf Islands & Salt Spring Island are in the heart of the best protected boating waters in the world.

Retirement opportunities to fit all financial comfort zones…call me about some stellar options that will appeal to you.

Arable land for hobby farms, horse properties, vineyards, or orchards…the 10 K diet is also alive & well on these Island beauties!

Family lifestyles are rich experiences, here. A slower and more sustainable living pattern is possible.

A thoughtful, interesting, connected and environmentally aware “who” will feel right at home on Salt Spring Island & the Gulf Islands. Remember, “everyone” is here…a diverse population, meshing ages and lifestyles…with the arts as the background rhythm of the Island experience.

More information? Call me!

How may I help you to buy your special property on Salt Spring Island or on another Gulf Island? Look forward to your call!




Well, for starters, Salt Spring Island & the Gulf Islands are “safe havens”.

They are close to major centres (Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle), and so benefit from all nearby amenities offered by such cityscapes.

They are also wonderfully “apart”, and suggest a sense of what life must have been like, say in the 1950s/60s/early 70s…the visual vibe of space & slower time still lingers here.

Everything necessary for a pleasing lifestyle in our 21st Century post-internet world is available on Salt Spring Island, the largest & best serviced of the Southern Gulf Islands grouping.

A strong sense of community, a caring & artistically motivated ethic, a scenically beautiful region, located in the best protected boating waters in the world, and enjoying a temperate climate…it really doesn’t get any better.

Seeking a place that offers an interesting and sophisticated lifestyle with a casually elegant rural flair? This is it…tucked away & beautifully serene, yet with the ease of living one requires.

More details about this hidden gem? Call me!

How may I help you to buy your special Salt Spring Island or Gulf Islands property? Look forward to your call.




Well, on the Pacific Northwest Coast of Super Natural British Columbia, in Canada, of course!

The Gulf Islands are nestled into the east side coastline of the very large Vancouver Island…this puts them in the rain shadow of this huge island, and so delivers an exceptional micro-climate known as “cool Mediterranean”.

All of the Gulf Islands, whether ferry accessed or water access only options, and regardless of whether located on Vancouver Island side or Lower Mainland side of Georgia Strait, are “governed” by the Islands Trust.

This is a provincial government mandated body, and it has been in place since 1974. Its mandate is to “preserve & protect” the environmental beauties of the Gulf Islands, for the benefit of all B.C. residents.

This control of growth is achieved through strict zoning/bylaws…the Trust is about land use/bylaws. More info? Call me!

The Pacific Northwest Coast is exceptionally beautiful…mountains, ocean, islands. The Southern Gulf Islands are in the best protected boating waters in the world. This, plus the enviable micro-climate, offer a jewel of a location.

Salt Spring Island is the largest and best-serviced of the Southern Gulf Islands, and enjoys an inspiring year round lifestyle. Close to everything, easy to get to (3 ferries, 3 floatplane companies) from Vancouver, Victoria, & Vancouver Island…plus Seattle. Yet, wonderfully apart…perfect for a family, or as a retirement opportunity, or as a seasonal retreat…a gem to savour!

More details? Call me!

How may I help you to buy your special Salt Spring Island or Gulf Islands property? Look forward to your call.
